You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.

The Challenge of Children

I was reminded again today that raising children is an awesome responsibility for parents such as my wife and I. With that word “awesome” I mean “far-encompassing”, “eternal ramifications”, and “don’t-think-too-much-about-it-or-you’ll-freak-out”. 

How we raise our children and what we instill in them will determine in large part what type of people they will become. Our influence as parents will be with them forever. I can start to see why the Good Lord commanded us to “Honor your Father and your Mother.” It is us that have been given the office of teacher, tudor, encourager, as well as judge, jury, and enforcer. 

Naturally we all want our children to grow up to be responsible citizens. We want them to be well-adjusted and well-socialized, able to get along with others. We also want them to respect authority and display good manners. Just plug in any of the widely-held notions of what makes a person well-adjusted and functional. 

Add to this the idea that our children will learn to relate to their Heavenly Father as they have related to their natural Father. (Is this another reason why the Good Lord commands us to “Honor your Father and your Mother”?) I think this is true! And so we come to realize that raising kids is an awesome responsibility. 

My daughter is 3 years old and even at this age (earlier actually) she is testing authority. She tests the boundaries my wife and I have set up. And when decision time arrives, sometimes she chooses to throw a fit rather than obey. My little princess asks “why” all the time. If only I could speak using her limited vocabulary and her limited understanding… perhaps everything would make sense to her. But sooner or later, the tears flow. My daughter cries because she is not getting her way. And I cry because God Almighty Himself has given me this awesome responsibility and I feel like am goofing it up from time to time.  

Poor 1st child… “Your Mommy and Daddy are going to figure things out ON you, ha ha”. My wife and I can find humor in many things. 

Do you have kids? Are they all grown up? How are they now? How do they relate to God? Are they getting along and being productive members of society? Are they unable or unwilling to humble themselves? Just wait until they have kids!  

Lord, have mercy on us all. 

Hug your kids now,

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