You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.

Bible Study 12/22/2008

Hello Dear Friends,

As I was thinking over the past week about our Bible study and the topics that have been presented for discussion, I wanted to use this week’s message to pause and use a wide-angle lens on what has been covered thus far. I tend to be wordy in my messages. And I have found that such length of writing may tax one’s time and attention. Thus, I shall endeavor here to write in chewable chunks.

Why talk about God first?

I believe if our understanding of God and what is true of Him is misinformed, then we handicap ourselves later on when we get to the how’s and why’s of His operation in our lives. Such things as why do bad things happen to good people, or why do bad people seem to prosper, or why are my prayers not answered, or why can’t I find peace, or how can I overcome temptations to sin, or how should I live my life to bring glory to Him, or how can I know I’m going to heaven when I die stem first from knowing the character of God and the revealing of Himself to mankind. Two big words, Doctrine and Theology,
which constitute our handling of the transcendent and consequently our faith, must be based on the truth. Ignorance, I’m sad to say, is not bliss.

Why does God’s Holiness and Righteousness matter to me?

Well, how we each individually relate to God is so very very important. The media, most academia, many religions, most people and basically the world system as a whole is bent on discrediting, deceiving and distorting our understanding of the true nature of God.

So, first off, it is hard to find the true God. Then once we do find Him, it is even harder to understand what is true of Him. It is certainly not popular to humble ourselves towards anything these days… but if we want to know God, then we must humble ourselves before Him!

Proverbs 9:10a The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom…

Why get so serious about the God’s word being truth/ the Bible?

Because that old book we’ve known for years is serious. If we subscribe to (or are considering) Christianity, shouldn’t we know what the Owner’s manual says? Heh heh. I’ve tried putting together some complicated furniture, toys and recipes on my own accord. Let me tell you from experience, it shan’t do you much good to think you know how to put it together and actually goof it up. As people who believe in God and who have a desire to live meaningful lives, the Bible is literally God’s word to us. Let me say it a little differently; God speaks to us through His word, the Bible. Want to know that elusive “God’s will for your life”? God’s will for you is in the Bible, no joke!

This Christmas week, try to notice some of the words to those great classic Christmas carols. How would any of those great songs ever been composed absent an understanding of what God has told? God is the source of it all!

Hark the herald angels sing
“Glory to the newborn King!
Peace on earth and mercy mild
God and sinners reconciled”


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