You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.

The Power of the Pen

Since the signing of the Constitution of the United States of America, there have been many other signings that have had great impact to the country…

One “category” of signings that come up time and again is the kind that expand government. Some examples:

Woodrow Wilson’s Federal Reserve…

FDR’s “New Deal”…

There was also LBJ’s “Great Society”…

And so it goes at the present time. There is a massive push to reform the health care industry in America. With the aging Baby-Boomers, something (it is expected) must happen to provide security…

However, the latest polls show that only 16% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing!

In other words, the vast majority of Americans oppose what’s going on in Washington.

As our Declaration of Independence spells out “by the consent of the governed”, and the Constitution spells out our “representative” form of government.. How is it such changes are being pursued in the first place? God tells us how things work…

Numbers 30:14b
… he confirms them (vows and/or agreements), because he made no response…

Here in our day and age, we see public disapproval of Congress, but these very same voters are apethetic come Election Day.

Citizen, we reap what we sow.

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