This week’s look at love, should you read further, will be convicting. I am convicted just thinking of it. And you know something… we need to be convicted. Why? I am trying to show what true love looks like by what the Bible says because pretend love is insidious. And I know this because I pretended to love God and others for most of my life.
Satan so obscures and confuses and misdirects what true love is, most people have no idea what true love is. Most people think love is just an emotion… Our culture equates love with sexual gratification. As we grew up, did the music we listen to teach us what real love is? What about our boyfriends and girlfriends? How about our parents… did they exemplify true love to us? Probably not. Most love, consequently then, is learned to be used as a means to get what we want from God and others.
The next time unforgiveness creeps into your heart, understand you’re simply not getting what your self-centered pride demanded. Love does not demand an apology, for love keeps no record of wrongs… as we shall see later.
Therefore, pretending to love God is not loving God… and if I am not loving God, then I don’t have a real relationship with Him… and if I don’t have a real relationship with Him, then why in the world am I going to church and small group? Or on the flip-side, is that why I don’t read my Bible and/ or go to church anymore? Let us allow God’s word to expose our vileness for our own sake!
1st Corinthians 13:5a (NKJV)
Love… does not behave rudely…
Do you see this? Rude behavior is indicative of a lack of true love!
Proverbs 23:7
For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. “Eat and drink!” he says to you, but his heart is not with you.
Here are some descriptions of rudeness, (cut and pasted from Merriam-Webster) synonyms: rude, rough, crude, mean lacking in social refinement. rude implies ignorance of or indifference to good form; it may suggest intentional discourtesy <rude behavior>. rough is likely to stress lack of polish and gentleness <rough manners>. crude may apply to thought or behavior limited to the gross, the obvious, or the primitive <a crude joke>. Also…
- being in a rough or unfinished state
- lacking refinement or delicacy
- occurring abruptly and disconcertingly
Now the application I would suggest you consider is to take these descriptions and line them up to your daily manners or common attitudes and behaviors you exhibit to those around you.
Are you ever intentionally discourteous? Do you ever lack gentleness toward others? Do you enjoy telling (or hearing) gross jokes? Do you react abruptly or is your self-composure easily disrupted?
For example: I confess that sometimes I (regretfully) allow myself to become sarcastic toward others when they offend me (injure my proud heart). I can smile and be very cordial, but spit out biting sarcasm. There have been times that my outward body language gives no indication to my inner resentment, and my sarcasm is not perceived because of it. But God knows. It is like a refined rudeness. And I’ve suffered the Lord’s chastisement because of it.
Is Jesus Christ rude to us? No! He loves us. And if you’re one of His followers… then follow Him indeed! Love is not rude… either towards others or towards Jesus our Lord.
**Comments/ questions/ testimonies/ objections most encouraged!
Dear Lord, thank you for this time to consider Your word and Your ways. May our thoughts, words, and deeds bring You glory… and glory to You alone. –Amen
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