December 1st, 2006 is/ was the day I truly converted to Christ. My life up to that day was hostile to God. I was a proud “carnal-Christian”. I was a hypocrite.
Over a period of a few years, my having cultivated bitterness and resentment towards those closest to me dragged me down into a pit of dispair. My self-decieved love for and proclamation of Jesus in the midst of habitual wickedness finally seared my conscience into relentless guilt.
God’s effectual call was upon me and the sorrow that leads to repentence brought me to my knees… and then flat-face to the ground. The pit of Hell was before me as well as God’s holy and fiery eyes upon me. I was terrified!
I knew I was as wicked as sin is… the weight of God’s presence was crushing my soul. I cried out for mercy, knowing I didn’t not deserve it. I begged God to forgive me, confessing my lifetime of sins. I promised to forsake my sins forever.
Broken and humbled, I gave up myself to His decision. Whatever He willed, I would wholeheartedly accept.
Then I felt a peace wash over me. Oh my Lord and Savior! What great lovingkindness You have shown me! My life changed that day…
I wrote an account of my salvation on this blog before it crashed… I hope that I may find a copy of it one day. It has more details…
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