You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.

Bible Study- “The Beatitudes” Part 4 (Late Edition)

Hi Everyone,   I have a super late and super short edition for you today… I will try to send it out before pumpkin time…

We’ve been discussing the Beatitudes, which are spiritual attitudes/ manifestations of a transformed heart, whereby a redeemed sinner is heaven-bound. We are looking at these beatitudes so as to to match them up to our own spiritual condition. This next beatitude can be a big indicator of the reality of your faith, (or absence thereof). I pray this beatitude reverberates in your brain.

Matthew 5:6
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

Think about being really hungry and/ or really thirsty. What would you crave the most? Let’s say you’re starving and dying of thirst… what do you suppose you would want more than anything else in the world? You would most certainly want food and drink. In fact, you would need it so desperately so as to save you from dying. Isn’t it only some three days a person can go without water before dying?

This extreme need is not too hard to comprehend, right? (Anyone see Lawrence of Arabia?)

Now do this: Simply switch the image over to your spiritual side. What would save you from spiritually dying? In keeping with the words in the beatitude, let us say righteousness.

Do you really know what righteousness is? There are a lot of concepts built into the Biblical word righteous, but I think a very simple way to think of it is to be right with God.

If you recall, I’ve said on this group list a while ago that getting right with Almighty God should be every living person’s greatest pursuit. Why? Well, those people who are not right with God by the moment they die end up in hell.

Are you right with your Maker? Do you love the Lord Jesus? Is your life consumed with honoring and pleasing Him? Do you treasure His revealed word? Do you hunger and thirst to be right with Him?

These questions I ask are personal. Only you can answer them honestly. We speak of mountains and valleys, or being on fire for the Lord or drifting away from Him. Friends, you won’t want something unless you’re seriously hungry for it. The hunger of desperation must be satisfied… there is no drifting away… is it all consuming!

Mark 12:30 the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.

You see? It is not some or most, but all! This hungering and thirsting for righteousness becomes the bent of a true believer’s life. A sinner who’s heart has been transformed longs for Christ… when previously they were content to think and do other things, ignoring or presuming upon Him all the while.

Okay then, what of being satisfied? True satisfaction is like an itch that has been perfectly scratched! Ha! The itch is taken completely away. The need is provided for, there is no wanting again! King David spoke of this satisfaction…

Psalm 17:15
But as for me, I shall behold Your face in righteousness; when I awake (after physically dying) I shall be satisfied with Your likeness.

David knew he was heaven-bound. Wow! I’m 30 minutes late. Sorry!

Let me wrap up and just simply say: Christian, pursue righteousness!

**Comments/ questions/ affirmations/ objections most encouraged!  

Dear Lord, thank you for this time to consider Your word and Your ways. May our thoughts, words, and deeds bring You glory… and glory to You alone. –Amen


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