Good Lunchtime Everyone 🙂
Our subject is love and our minds should take a few moments and meditate on this…
1st Corinthians 13:4a
… love is kind…
The word “kind” is a small simple word, but has such a depth of richness to it. If you are kind to someone, or if someone is kind to you, such kindness shown has a way of sweetening life and relationships. Kindness can be felt! Kind people should leave an impression on us… if our hearts are not already hard. Talking with a kind person has a warming effect… if we are not too distracted to notice. If you are a Christian, your kindness towards others should be demonstrative of the kindness Jesus showed you when he saved you (1st John 4:19). Right?
The Greek root word for “kind” in our verse is chrēstos, and it means:
1.      fit, fit for use, useful
virtuous, good
2.      manageable
mild, pleasant (as opp. to harsh, hard sharp, bitter)
of things: more pleasant, of people, kind, benevolent
Some other English words for chrēstos are: easy, better, goodness, and gracious.
Now, as I sometimes do, I like to try to understand a word by looking at its antonyms. Looking at the definitions above, see what kindness is NOT…
Kindness is not harsh
Kindness is not hard sharp
Kindness is not bitter
With this understanding of “kind”, can you now see how if someone loves you, they would be kind to you? Or if you love someone, you wouldn’t be harsh or bitter towards them?
I find it amazing that what we have in our minds expresses itself to those around us. It is simply a natural consequence of being human. As a trumpet blows forth sound as an expression of air, kindness comes forth as an expression of our love. The Bible confirms this, BTW…
Luke 6:45
A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.
But a distinction must be made between “the milk of human kindness” and “inspired kindness”. Most people can muster up some kindness for a moment… but what of the kindness despite bad treatment and/or misinterpretations?
Matthew 5:46a
For if you love those who love you, what reward have you?
It is easy to be kind to “deserving” people. But kindness from God enables us to love the unlovable. What have been the expressions of your heart lately? Are they like good treasure or evil treasure?
Oh Lord convict our hearts! Expose our hearts with your fiery eyes!  Help us to be more loving…
**Comments/ questions/ testimonies/ objections most encouraged!
Dear Lord, thank you for this time to consider Your word and Your ways. May our thoughts, words, and deeds bring You glory… and glory to You alone. –Amen
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