You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.

Bible Study- The Names of God “Adonai”

Hiya Peeps,

Good Monday morning to you! What a warm weekend we had, huh? I live in Northern Maryland and our “warm” weather usually starts in the latter part of May. Our Spring is really several weeks longer than good ‘ole Dale City’s Spring. So this past weekend’s weather was kinda surprising.

You know what else is “hot” these days and everyday? The wondrous lovingkindness of El Shaddai. Remember that name of God from last week? God Almighty has many names as we are seeing, for God has many (myriads and myriads) characteristics that speak to His nature.

We started with “ELOHIM” which means “Gods”, but used in a singular sense. This name speaks to God’s nature as a Triune God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).

Last week we learned about “EL SHADDAI” which means “God Almighty” or “God All Sufficient”. God can do anything and can provide anything.

Today I want you to consider than name “ADONAI”.

Genesis 15:2

But Abram said, “Lord God, what will You give me, seeing I go childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?”

“ADONAI” in Hebrew means “Lords or Masters” plural! “ADON” is singular, but “ADONAI” is plural. So again, we have a plural word used in a singular sense. Wow!

In the above scripture, Abram has heard from God not to be afraid. Abram was thinking about God’s promises to him about becoming a great nation, etc. And so when Abram responded to God he called Him “Master” or “Lord”. Notice Abram already had a submissive, humble, servant attitude towards God. See that? (BTW, “God” in the Hebrew for that reference is YHWH, the personal name of God, which we pronounce “Jehovah” or “Yaweh”… so Abram really said “ADONAI YHWH”. I’ll get into that one later)

So God is Adonai- Master. And whether anyone recognizes this or not: He is Master. He is Lord with a capital “L”.

If you comprehend that God is ELOHIM and EL SHADDAI, then what naturally should follow is He is ADONAI. ADONAI calls the shots. ADONAI determines right and wrong, true and false, good and bad, etc. When ADONAI says “Jump” we should say “How high?” When ADONAI says, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!”, we should seek to read and understand everything His Son has said.

You see, God is Creator- we are the creature, God is Almighty- we are severely limited and God is Master- we are subjects. The sooner we line up in our proper place, the better off we’ll be.

   1. Who is your master? You or God?
   2. Can you see yourself as a slave?
   3. What causes us to be hard to be humble?


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